Category Archives: uneasy

The Barrier

The person holds an object between himself/herself and the other.body language The Barrier

Defense and Protection The person feels insecure.
“I would prefer a little more distance between us.”

or Shyness The person feels uncomfortable.
“Take it easy, I need time to assess the situation.”

The object acts as a barrier. It may be a briefcase, a chair, a laptop or a coffee cup. Sometimes a situation arises such that an object is in the way, but nobody put it there on purpose. Remove the obstacle in the way to create a more personal setting.

Categories body, uneasy,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Clinger

One or two hands hold on to a desk or chair.body language The Clinger

Insecurity The person feels uncomfortable and seeks protection.
“This situation is very unfamiliar.”

We cling to objects when we seek protection. They serve as a barrier and holding on keeps our hands under control. At the same time, this gesture takes the freedom to move. This gesture should be avoided in presentations, so the speaker remains flexible.

Categories arms/hands, uneasy,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Eye Wiper

One or more finger rubbing over the upper or lower eyelid.body language The Eye Wiper

Discomfort The person feels uncomfortable and wants to avoid/flee the situation.
“Can we please talk about something else?”

The person interrupts eye contact because he/she wants to avoid hearing or seeing.

Categories face, uneasy,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Half Barrier

One hand holds the arm or the other hand.body language The Half Barrier

Defense and Protection The person feels insecure in the situation.
“What is going to happen?”

or Self-doubt The person does not feel up to the current – socially tense – situation.
“I’m not used to that much attention.”

Holding one’s hand helps in difficult situations. It is reassuring and reminds us of childhood days, when our parents protected us. The gesture is often seen when someone enters a new group or receives an award. In this situation, the unexpected attention causes discomfort.

Categories arms/hands, uneasy, submissive,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Interlock

The person crosses his/her arms and blocks the chest and stomach.body language The Interlock

Distance and Defense The person has a distant attitude towards a person or situation.
“You can’t expect me to believe that.”

Restraint The person listens to the matter, but is not yet ready to act.
“We’ll see how things develop.”

We protect our bodies from danger by building a shield. This self-hug soothes and prevents us from acting rash. If hands or fists are clenched, they reinforce the defensive meaning.
Caution: Crossed arms are not always a defensive reaction. Depending on the situation, they can be relaxing or caused by cold. If the hands are eased, it is only a ‘soft barrier’. If the hands are tense, it shows the greater displeasure.

Categories body, uneasy,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Leg Barrier

The person crosses the legs while the rest of the body is tense and/or the arms are folded.body language The Leg Barrier

Defense and Protection The person feels insecure.
“I feel backed into a corner.”

If a person suddenly crosses his/her legs or wraps them around a chair, the person feels uncomfortable. This closed posture shows the need for protection and support. This pose is often accompanied by the hands pressing on his/her knees or holding on to a chair. Give the person something in his/her hand or put them in motion, so that they can relax.

Categories legs/feet, uneasy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Neck Massager

The person massages and squeezes the neck.body language The Neck Massager

Stress The person feels uncomfortable.
“I don’t like this.”

This gesture is self-soothing. The largest nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system resides around the stimulated area. This nerve lowers the heart rate when stimulated.

Categories face, uneasy,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Nose Compactor

The fingers clench the nose’s bridge and the eyes are closed.body language The Nose Compactor

Overload The person is tired and overwhelmed by the situation.
“This is too much.”

Isolation The person shields himself/herself from the outside world.
“I need to compose myself.”

Our brain reacts to unpleasant situations by looking away or closing eyes. By avoiding eye contact, the mind selects which information is perceived and which gets discarded. A person can recover and get back into the situation by fading out the environment.

Categories face, uneasy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Plucker

The person tugs cuffs, sleeves or other clothing.body language The Plucker

Nervousness This self-soothing gesture shows that the person is insecure.
“I’m anxious.”

The mechanical act occupies the hands and distracts from the situation.

Categories arms/hands, uneasy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Seesaw

The feet teeter stronger than before.body language The Seesaw

Nervousness, Excitement or Impatience This self-soothing gesture shows that the person is currently faced with a unpleasant thought or question.
“I do not know how to respond.”

Many people are not aware of what they do with their feet. Yet, feet are a good indicator for the mood of a person. People usually wiggle because they are impatient or bored. If a the wiggling becomes stronger when touching a particularly topic, this indicates that the person feels unpleasant.

Categories legs/feet, uneasy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Sphinx

The person touches the nose with a finger.body language The Sphinx

Skepticism The person is uncertain about the matter at hand.
“I am not convinced by what I am saying or you are telling me.”

or Calming If the person is emotionally involved, he/she wants to calm himself/herself down.
“I don’t want to see or hear this.”

If a person feels uncomfortable – e.g. when deceiving -, the breathing speed and heart rate increases. As a result, the blood vessels in the nose expand. The tingling can trigger the touch. The gesture is an indicator of discomfort – it does not proof lying!

Categories face, uneasy,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Stretch

The person pulls the collar away from the throat.body language The Stretch

Stress or Anger or Constriction The person is emotionally heated.
“I need a cool breeze now.”

This gesture is more commonly observed in men. Women may throw back their hair to let the neck breathe. The Stretch is often associated with lies. As if the untruth causes an itch or the difficulty to breath.

Categories arms/hands, uneasy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Turtle

The person crouches with the shoulders pulled up.body language The Turtle

Insecurity and Fear The person has little self-confidence and does not want to attract attention.
“Please let me disappear now.”

We make ourselves small, avoid eye contact and limit our movements to a minimum, if we want to appear invisible. The head is protected by this shrunk posture. This gesture appears mostly with people who have low self-esteem. For example, shoplifters or ill-prepared speakers exhibit this body language.

Categories body, uneasy, submissive,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Upper Grip

The hand touches the upper chest, the jugular or the neck.body language The Upper Grip

Discomfort The person feels insecure.
“This situation makes me uncomfortable.”

The neck is a very vulnerable area. We protect it by pulling up the shoulders or placing our hands in front. Men grab the neck more forcefully than women.

Categories arms/hands, uneasy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.