Category Archives: submissive

The Bow Back

The head is slightly tilted to the side.body language The Bow Back

Confidence and Reassurance The person wants to establish harmony.
“Let’s be friends again.”

or Interest The person is interested in the other or the conversation.
“I would like to learn more about it.”

The neck is vulnerable. When we bow back, we show that there is no harm coming from us and we submit ourself to the other. Generally, a tilted head shows interest and may as well be a flirt signal. If the person is also bent forward, the feeling is mutual. This gesture is very low in authority.

Categories face, submissive, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Half Barrier

One hand holds the arm or the other hand.body language The Half Barrier

Defense and Protection The person feels insecure in the situation.
“What is going to happen?”

or Self-doubt The person does not feel up to the current – socially tense – situation.
“I’m not used to that much attention.”

Holding one’s hand helps in difficult situations. It is reassuring and reminds us of childhood days, when our parents protected us. The gesture is often seen when someone enters a new group or receives an award. In this situation, the unexpected attention causes discomfort.

Categories arms/hands, uneasy, submissive,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Turtle

The person crouches with the shoulders pulled up.body language The Turtle

Insecurity and Fear The person has little self-confidence and does not want to attract attention.
“Please let me disappear now.”

We make ourselves small, avoid eye contact and limit our movements to a minimum, if we want to appear invisible. The head is protected by this shrunk posture. This gesture appears mostly with people who have low self-esteem. For example, shoplifters or ill-prepared speakers exhibit this body language.

Categories body, uneasy, submissive,

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.