Category Archives: open

The Open Hands

The person opens arms, such that palms and fingers are visible.body language The Open Hands

Openness and Honesty The person wants to show that he/she can be trusted.
“Look, I have nothing to hide.”

Many people find it difficult to lie when showing their palms. The gesture exposes vulnerable parts of the body. Thus, it shows trust in the other person. For example, a legal defender would make his/her palms visible in the courtroom. Use this gesture in presentations and sales.
Caution: This does not apply if the shoulders are pulled up.

Categories arms/hands, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Recliner

The body is open and leans back relaxed.body language The Recliner

Self-confidence The person is relaxed and feels good.
“Everything is fine.”

An open posture makes us vulnerable. We open ourselves, if we have nothing to fear and feel confident.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Wrist

The wrist shows openly.body language The Wrist

Sympathy and Trust The person likes the other and has a positive attitude towards him/her.
“I would like to learn more about you.”

Wrists are – especially for women – very sensitive body parts. Vital veins run through them. The gesture shows openness and indicates that the person is attracted to the other. The Wrist can be interpreted as flirting signal.

Categories arms/hands, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Bow Back

The head is slightly tilted to the side.body language The Bow Back

Confidence and Reassurance The person wants to establish harmony.
“Let’s be friends again.”

or Interest The person is interested in the other or the conversation.
“I would like to learn more about it.”

The neck is vulnerable. When we bow back, we show that there is no harm coming from us and we submit ourself to the other. Generally, a tilted head shows interest and may as well be a flirt signal. If the person is also bent forward, the feeling is mutual. This gesture is very low in authority.

Categories face, submissive, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Forward Lean

The person leans forward while the arms are open.body language The Forward Lean

Agreement and Sympathy The person has a positive attitude towards the other. He/She likes what the other says.
“I like to listen to you.”

We lean towards people and things we like. If the other mirrors this behavior, it shows harmony. The opposite occurs when we dislike someone or have little interest in something.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Mirror

People take similar poses and mirror movements.body language The Mirror

Harmony People have the same opinion and want to reach an agreement.
“We are on the same page.”

When mirroring, there is a dominant person who leads and a person that follows. Both synchronize their movements. Subconsciously, trust is created among the two, because the other is ‘as I am’. The opposite is the case if the body language differs greatly.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.