Category Archives: Gesture

The Cobra

The person leans back and folds his/her arms behind the head openly.

body language 1 CobraSelf-confidence The person feels safe and underlines his/her high status.
“I have everything under control.”

Superiority The person feels safe regarding the issue and/or superior to a person.
“I’m smarter than you.”

The body is open and yet the person claims territory. He/she shows distance and emotional coldness. The gesture makes us look bigger and shows dominance.

Categories body, easy, dominant, open, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Interlock

The person crosses his/her arms and blocks the chest and stomach.

body language 3 interlockDistance and Defense The person has a distant attitude towards a person or situation.
“You can’t expect me to believe that.”

Restraint The person listens to the matter , but is not yet ready to act.
“We’ll see how things develop.”

We protect our bodies from danger by building a shield. This self hug soothes and prevents us from acting rash. If hands or fists are tensed, they reinforce the defensive meaning.
Caution Crossed arms are not always a defensive reaction. Depending on the situation, they can be relaxing or caused by cold. If the hands are eased up, it is only a ‘soft barrier’. If the hands are tensed up, it shows the greater displeasure.

Categories body, uneasy, defensive

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Lint Picker

The caller interrupts eye contact and removes real or imaginary lint from the arm or table.

body language 6 lint pickerRejection & Reservation
The person does not like what he/she hears or thinks that no place for his/her point of view. Alternatively he/she pushes an argument figuratively.
“I don’t want to hear this.”

The lint picker is found when a person does not agree with the subject. The person holds back to express his/her opinion. Encourage the person to say what he/she thinks.

Categories arm

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Recliner

The body is open and leans back relaxed.

Self-confidence The person is relaxed and feels good.body language 4 recliner
“Everything is fine.”

An open posture makes us vulnerable. We open ourselves, if we have nothing to fear and we feel self-assured.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Sphinx

The person touches the nose with a finger.

body language 2 sphinxSkepticism The person is uncertain about the matter at hand.
“I am not convinced by what I am saying or you are telling me.”

or Calming If the person is emotionally involved, he/she wants to calm himself/herself down.
“I don’t want to see or hear this.”

If a person feels uncomfortable – e.g. when lying -, the breathing speed and heart rate increases. As a result, the blood vessels expand in the nose. The tingling can trigger the touch. The gesture is an indicator of discomfort – it does not proof lying!

Categories face, uneasy, defensive

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.