Category Archives: easy

The Cowboy

The body leans back and the crotch is clearly visible.body language The Cowboy

Self-confidence The person feels very safe in what he/she is doing.
“Come – if you dare!”

The presentation of the crotch is an act of dominance and challenges the other. At the same time, it is a sexual signal that is deemed inappropriate in most cultures.

Categories body, easy, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Forward Lean

The person leans forward while the arms are open.body language The Forward Lean

Agreement and Sympathy The person has a positive attitude towards the other. He/She likes what the other says.
“I like to listen to you.”

We lean towards people and things we like. If the other mirrors this behavior, it shows harmony. The opposite occurs when we dislike someone or have little interest in something.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Four

One leg crosses the other. The ankle lies on the thigh.body language The Four

Self-confidence The person feels safe and challenges the other or arguments against the other’s point.
“Let’s see who has the better arguments!”

The gesture challenges the other. Sometimes one or two hands grab the crossed leg. The gesture mixes self-confidence with dominance and relaxation. In Asia and Arabia, showing the shoe sole is considered rude.

Categories legs/feet, easy, dominant

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Handrub

Hands or fingers are rubbed together.body language The Handrub

Anticipation The person expects a joyful event.
“This is going to be great!”

or Insecurity The person has low self-esteem.
“How can I get out of this mess?”

When doing this gesture, we look forward to something. This may as well be at someone else’s expense. Often, the look is unfocused for a moment, as if the person imagines the event.
Caution: Strong rubbing may also mean that the person is cold or under stress.

Categories arms/hands, easy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Leg Cross

The person crosses legs relaxedly. One shoe may be tilted upwards.body language The Leg Cross

Confidence The person is relaxed and feels comfortable.
“Everything’s fine.”

Crossed legs prevent us from escaping quickly. We only block ourselves if we feel secure. Usually, the rest of the body shows a relaxed attitude.
Criminals may take this pose to pretend that everything is fine.

Categories legs/feet, easy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Mirror

People take similar poses and mirror movements.body language The Mirror

Harmony People have the same opinion and want to reach an agreement.
“We are on the same page.”

When mirroring, there is a dominant person who leads and a person that follows. Both synchronize their movements. Subconsciously, trust is created among the two, because the other is ‘as I am’. The opposite is the case if the body language differs greatly.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Patrolman

The hand holds the other wrist behind the back.body language The Patrolman

Authority and Self-assurance The person walks through his/her terrain fearlessly.
“Nothing can harm me.”

Distance The person monitors the situation, but does not want physical contact with the other – usually subordinate – persons.
“Please do not touch me.”

This gesture is found with high-level personal, such as high-ranking police officers, military personnel or bosses. They pace out their territory and inspect. The vulnerable front demonstrates that the person has no fear. The hands on the back offer little opportunity to engage in physical contact with them.

Categories arms/hands, easy, , territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Recliner

The body is open and leans back relaxed.body language The Recliner

Self-confidence The person is relaxed and feels good.
“Everything is fine.”

An open posture makes us vulnerable. We open ourselves, if we have nothing to fear and feel confident.

Categories body, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Roof

The finger tips touch and the hands and form a triangle.body language The Roof

Self-confidence and Sovereignty The person is convinced of what he/she says and does.
“The situation is as follows…”

Interest The person listens closely, yet preserves a professional distance.
“Your statements are very well thought out.”

There are two forms of the Roof. If the fingers point upwards, the person is probably speaking. If they are pointing downwards the person is listening. Women often use the gesture around the waist level. Body language trainers recommended this pose to people who have trouble positioning their hands. German Chancellor Angela Merkel often poses like this in photos.

Categories arms/hands, easy

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Thumb Pointer

The hands are in the pockets and the thumbs are visible.body language The Thumb Pointer

Sovereignty and Self-confidence The person has a high status.
“I know that I am good.”

Sexuality The person is looking for a partner.
“Look at my genitals.”

The visible thumbs indicate dominance and sovereignty, no matter if the hand disappears in your pocket or holds the lapel. This gesture is a common sign that someone feels comfortable. It may also indicate low status, if the thumb disappears in the pocket. Gestures showing a low status should be to be avoided – especially by persons in executive positions.

Categories arms/hands, easy, dominant

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Wrist

The wrist shows openly.body language The Wrist

Sympathy and Trust The person likes the other and has a positive attitude towards him/her.
“I would like to learn more about you.”

Wrists are – especially for women – very sensitive body parts. Vital veins run through them. The gesture shows openness and indicates that the person is attracted to the other. The Wrist can be interpreted as flirting signal.

Categories arms/hands, easy, open

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.