Category Archives: dominant

The Armshake

During the handshake, the left hand touches the other’s elbow, forearm or shoulder.body language The Armshake

Trust The person wants to strengthen the personal bond.
“We are good friends.”

Dominance The person raises his/her status.
“You are beneath me.”

With this gesture the person tries to establish trust in a dominant manner. It is only acceptable between close friends. Using this gesture with customers, may cause distrust and you may commit social suicide. As an answer to this dominant gesture, you can either reciprocate the touch or use the left hand to push the other person back slightly and then stand sideways.

Categories arms/hands, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Cowboy

The body leans back and the crotch is clearly visible.body language The Cowboy

Self-confidence The person feels very safe in what he/she is doing.
“Come – if you dare!”

The presentation of the crotch is an act of dominance and challenges the other. At the same time, it is a sexual signal that is deemed inappropriate in most cultures.

Categories body, easy, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Double Handshake

During the handshake, the left hand touches the other’s hand, wrist or forearm.body language The Double Handshake

Trust The person wants to strengthen the personal bond.
“I am sincere.”

or Dominance The person takes the lead.
“Trust me, I will lead you.”

Touches strengthen the bond between two people. The extra hand shall emphasize the intimacy of the relationship. When touching the other, the person shows affection – but also dominance. On average the handshake becomes longer when touching. The double handshake is often used by politicians and sales men. The gesture enters the intimate space and should therefore only be used with friends.

Categories arms/hands, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Escort

The person ushers the other or offers a seat.body language The Escort

Sovereignty The person takes the role of the host and lays out the rules.
“Please sit here.”

The dominant effect increases if the person touches the other. This establishes who is in charge. Generally, it is good if the host takes the leading role.

Categories arms/hands, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Four

One leg crosses the other. The ankle lies on the thigh.body language The Four

Self-confidence The person feels safe and challenges the other or arguments against the other’s point.
“Let’s see who has the better arguments!”

The gesture challenges the other. Sometimes one or two hands grab the crossed leg. The gesture mixes self-confidence with dominance and relaxation. In Asia and Arabia, showing the shoe sole is considered rude.

Categories legs/feet, easy, dominant

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Hip Stem

The hands touch the hip, while all fingers are visible in the front.body language The Hip Stem

Dominance and Aggression The person has no fear and claims authority.
“This is my turf!”

This posture makes the person appear wider. It comes across as aggressive and should only be used rarely. Yet, the gesture emphasizes authority. If the fingers and thumbs point downwards, the meaning is weakened.

Categories body, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Laydown

The palms are spread-out on the table.body language The Laydown

Possessiveness and Dominance The person wants to establish his/her authority.
“I’m in charge!”

The hands claim ownership. Through spreading the fingers, the hands appear larger. The person takes up more space and shows authority.

Categories arms/hands, dominant, territorial

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Pointer

The finger points at a person while holding eye contact.body language The Pointer

Aggression The person attacks someone non-verbally.
“This is your fault!”

Nobody likes it when being pointed at. This gesture can lead to aggression and fights. Avoid this harsh gesture.

Categories arms/hands, dominant

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.

The Thumb Pointer

The hands are in the pockets and the thumbs are visible.body language The Thumb Pointer

Sovereignty and Self-confidence The person has a high status.
“I know that I am good.”

Sexuality The person is looking for a partner.
“Look at my genitals.”

The visible thumbs indicate dominance and sovereignty, no matter if the hand disappears in your pocket or holds the lapel. This gesture is a common sign that someone feels comfortable. It may also indicate low status, if the thumb disappears in the pocket. Gestures showing a low status should be to be avoided – especially by persons in executive positions.

Categories arms/hands, easy, dominant

This is one out of 63 gestures from the body language trainer.